Graphic Organizer for a Report

Great writing this week from some of my favourite kids! They used a graphic organizer as their “map” to help them plan a report of an event that has just happened at school or will be happening soon. We discussed that reports and reporters stick to the facts (not opinions) and they answered the who, what, when, where, why, and how about an event.

The graphic organizer we used is here.

I think I am convincing them that a graphic organizer, or plan, is worthwhile. Today, in about 15 minutes, they had each written a short rough copy report from their completed graphic organizer.
They were successful (fact) and I think they are amazing (opinion)!



You can find my rough copy paper here.

About resourcefulresourceteacher

I have been a resource teacher since 2006, a mother since 1998, and a wife since 1994!

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