Take The Teacher Test


Teacher Test

1. I write instructions and assignments on the whiteboard.

2. I challenge myself to use kinesthetic activities (using the body, getting kids moving) for [unlikely] subjects like spelling/grammar, Bible, French, calendar, penmanship, etc.

3. I adapt spelling/grammar lessons by eliminating the lesson for those that already know it and shortening the lesson for those that struggle.

4. I provide activities of varying levels of difficulty in math.

5. When I have an EA (educational assistant) I provide an accommodated or modified activity for the child(ren) she is working with (as opposed to having the EA pull the student through the same classroom activity).

6. I provide explicit instruction (teach specific strategies) for executive functioning (skills such as organization and planning).

7. I preteach vocabulary words that are key to understanding, BEFORE asking students to read passages in the content areas (subjects like science, history, and Bible).

8. I have students take notes AFTER I teach the content, not WHILE I teach the content.

9. I have implemented a behaviour plan for a specific student and successfully carried it out.

10. I provide reading at different levels whenever possible in content areas (subjects like science, history, and Bible).

Analysis of the Following Areas (where are your strengths and what needs more work?):
Circle the numbers of the questions to which you answered “no”. Set goals to improve your teaching in these areas.


Sensitivity to Learning Styles  1  &  2
Attempt to Accommodate and Modify  3  &  5
Efforts to Differentiate  4  &  10
Working to Develop Alternative Curriculum  6  &  9
Teaching to Ensure Understanding  7  &  8


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